Accountable Care Organization Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health
A new model from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, encouraging healthcare providers to assume greater responsibility for the overall cost and quality of care, especially for patients in underserved communities.
Maximize quality outcomes for providers & patients
The ACO REACH Model serves as a pathway to sharing more risk, with a focus on prioritizing health equity, enhancing care coordination for patients, and advancing in value-based payment.
Patient and provider centric
The ACO REACH model incentivizes providers to address underserved patients' needs, tackle health disparities, and improve provider participation by requiring that participant providers control at least 75% of each ACO's governing body.
Risk-based incentives
CVS Accountable Care supports the ACO REACH model's highest-risk track—the Global Option. This full-risk option, with 100 percent Shared Savings/Shared Losses, allows organizations to maximize their full potential under risk-based payment.
How we support your success
Our customized resources and tools are designed to meet your specific needs,
offering a sustainable path forward for continued success in value-based care.
Broad set of tools, resources, and expertise
Access administrative and clinical programs to support practices and population health initiatives. Our team of experts coupled with virtual and on-the-ground support provides the access you need to achieve your healthcare transformation goals.
Improved interoperability & data access
Benefit from a suite of technology-enabled services that support interoperability. Our advanced data analytics, paired with risk stratification tools, help identify, and manage patient populations effectively.
Risk management
Facilitate improved payment and incentives by leveraging Key Performance Indicator (KPI) payment opportunities, promoting not only financial stability but also continuous support for your organization as it maximizes quality and performance in risk.
Relevant Resources
NRHA Webinar: Tackling health disparities in rural communities
Enhancing health equity with inVio Health
Leadership Spotlight: The path to 2030 with Khue Nguyen
Explore our program offerings
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