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Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)

Improve healthcare quality and reduce costs for your traditional Medicare beneficiaries in the MSSP.

Achieve healthcare excellence

As CMS's only statutory value-based program, the MSSP provides a sustainable path forward to improve patient care, expand access within your community, and optimize financial incentives in an evolving healthcare landscape.

Solution Highlights

Dashed Circle A circle with a dashed stroke in blue color, representing a concept or design element
  • Improved Quality of Care

    Through our value-based care relationship, you can improve outcomes for your patients and local community with the support of our ACO administrative staff and care coordination teams that work seamlessly with your existing clinical infrastructure and workflows.

  • Reduced Healthcare Costs

    Our robust data and analytics infrastructure can help identify your system and practice level opportunities, while support from our regional teams can help you implement solutions that can reduce unnecessary usage while continuing to provide a high-level of care.

  • Risk Management

    Our tailored practice transformation solutions, collaborative governance model, and payer-agnostic dashboards offer a streamlined and efficient approach to overseeing your broader Medicare population, promoting effective arrangements and adaptation to value-based care initiatives as you take on more risk.

Relevant Resources

10 Secrets to Sustainable Success in Value-based Care

10 Secrets to Sustainable Success in Value-based Care

Guide Book

The Costs of Inaction: 5 Reasons Why Health Care Organizations Need to Take on Risk

The Costs of Inaction: 5 Reasons Why Health Care Organizations Need to Take on Risk


Inspira Health achieves consistent results with ACO partnership

Inspira Health achieves consistent results with ACO partnership

Case Study

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